SECRETS EVERYWHERE – Art From Upcoming Public Scavenger Hunts
show and scavenger hunt runs March 14-May 5 at Julie’s
OPENING PARTY featuring an in-house scavenger hunt!
Friday, March 14th 7-9pm
A message leads to a park bench.
Beneath the park bench is a puzzle.
The puzzle gives a phone number.
Calling the phone number plays a coded message.
Decoding the message gives the combination to a lock-box hanging off a pier.
Inside the lock-box…
Secrets Everywhere is an ongoing scavenger hunt leading participants to the locations of hidden art.
Follow the path, solve the clues, take home the art you find!
The goal is to remove people from their mundane daily routines and lead them out toward adventure.
It is free to participate!
Adam Davis is an illustrator in the San Francisco Bay area. He specializes in children’s illustrations, video-game and music related art. He has worked as a sign artist for Trader Joe’s, a poster artist for Grand Fanali Presents, a full-time touring musician and stay-at-home Dad. He recently completed a dinosaur themed project, funded by The Awesome Foundation, placing one hundred small, hand-painted canvases around the bay area, leaving clues as to their whereabouts. This was the catalyst for the creation of Secrets Everywhere.